Anony Mous
there is a deeper core truth to the trinity that you can’t just reject from modern society without removing the underpinnings of the renaissance and by that modern science etc. which is why it was independently discovered in many religions as others here point out, it is a pattern that keeps appearing in India, in China, in Africa
Its a little different everywhere around the world. It could equally be said that christianity mimics the hindu idea of creator/ preserver / destroyer.
Birth / death/ rebirth is a topic that is not unique to christianity.
Hindu's, muslims, sikhs, jews, buddhists and other groups dont believe in a trinity. That covers a big part of the worlds population.
Much like mustard, I think it is an exhausting subject that comes down to whether you believe it or not, like everything else to do with religion. You said it yourself - its not provable. Religion, particularly catholics, have done all they can to retard science throughout the centuries. Shouldnt they welcome knowledge? Whats the point of persecuting scientists like copernicus and galileo that told the truth? Why does the wt censor anyone that disagrees? Its all about control and power - not truth.
This is another argument over a stupid religious point that means a lot to some people, not because of any evidence but simply because they think they are right.